Terms of Service

A. Changes

A.1 This document, originally written in English should be regarded as the only official version. Translations into other languages are for informational purposes only. We reserve the right to modify these terms of service at any time, we will do our best to notify you through official channels.

B. Definitions

B.1 This Terms of Service Agreement (this "Agreement") is made effective as of March 9, 2025 (the "Effective Date") between The Freedom Cell Network (the "Network"), and you (the "Recipient"), who is reading this page (https://freedomcells.org/tos) on March 9, 2025 7:15 PM (CST) and username is .

B.2 The Freedom Cell Network provides different services through the website including community management, event management, messaging, and more (the "Services").

C. Accepting these Terms

C.1 By registering or using any of the Services provided by the Network you agree to be bound by our Terms Of Service Agreement. We use such terms and conditions to clearly define repsonsibilities and protect the Network and its members.

We encourage you to read the Agreement in its entirety and be aware of what you are consenting to. 

D. Who can use our services?

D.2 All state and federal public entities, legal persons, offices, officers, agencies, or agents are hereby barred from joining the Network, using the Services, or extracting any content from the site under any presumption of law.

D.3 Excluding the entities listed in D.2, any person who is at least 18 years of age can use the Network and its Services

E. Disclaimer

E.1 The content on the Network is in part member generated and is not intended to be legal, tax, medical, financial, or professional advice in any way whatsoever.

E.2 The content on the Network is for informational purposes only.

E.3 The Network is not responsible for content published on any of our services.

E.4 You, the Recipient  are responsible for your use of the Network, for any content you submit, and for any consequences that may result.

E.5 We reserve the right to remove any content and/or to remove your access. 

F. Confidential Information

F.1 Information & content generated by registered members on the Network is "Confidential Information." This content is private to members of the network and should not be shared externally. This may include but is not limited to: text, files, images, personal information, information about events. This information is to be kept private between the members of the Network and should not be shared with the public or any persons not a member without express consent from the member who created the content.  

F.2 Confidential Information does not include: 

  • public content published by the network that is available outside the site such as the Blog
  • information received directly from another member with clear justification to share
  • information independently developed by the Recipient
  • information disclosed with the prior written consent of the Network

F.3 No Disclosure: The Recipient will keep Confidential Information private and will not share with any person or entity not a member of the Network. 

G. No Warranty

G.1 You understand and agree that the Network offers you services not limited to: a social networking service, classifieds, events calendar, and direct messaging.

G.2 These services are offered as is, subject to availability and without any liability to you. There are no warranties, express or implied as to the reliability, accessiblity, or quality of our services. Your agree that the use of our services is at your sole and exclusive risk. 

G.3 In other words, we will do our best to keep the site functional, however members should not rely on the site as their only point of contact with other members. This is why the site allows for direct contact and messaging to open up other lines of communication between members.

H. Activities Not Allowed

  1. Harassment or abuse against any or all members by engaging in threats, stalking, ad-hominem, or sending spam. 
  2. Publishing content that is offensive to the community including but not limited to blatant expressions of bigotry , prejudice, racism, hatred, or excessive profanity, or to post obscene, filthy, violent, harassing, or otherwise objectable material. 
  3. Publishing content that promotes fraud or other illegal or fraudulent activities.
  4. Doxing or publishing content that discloses any personally identifying information or private information about any third parties without their express consent. 
  5. Impersonating or portraying another personin a confusing or deceptive manner. 
  6. Misuse of servicesby distributing viruses or malware, engaging in a denial of service attack, or attempting to gain unauthorized access to any computer system, including this one. 

We encourage users to report any of the above activities as soon as possible so that the offending members can be removed.

I. Classifieds

I.1 The Network has a classifieds service which has its own terms of service. You agree to abide by all the Terms and Conditions before using the Classifieds system. 

  1. Sellers and buyers are completely and solely responsible for negotiating the purchase, sale and exchange of goods and services.
  2. Sellers and buyers must resolve any disputes that arise from classifieds transactions amongst themselves and without our involvement. 
  3. Sellers and buyers are responsible for any monetary obligations and costs incurred by participating in the transaction. 

Using The Classifieds

I.2 When using or accessing the classifieds, you will not: 

  1. Offer to sell any item that is not in your possession, do not have the right to sell, or does not exist at the time the classified is posted to the site. 
  2. Post, list, or upload content or items in inappropriate categories or areas on the site. 
  3. Post identical advertisements in the same category and locations.
  4. Post advertisements for psychoactive substances, weapons, or adult services.